Mission Statement, Necono AG
Our mission statement is not intended as a challenge by shareholders to customers and workforce.
Necono AG is committed to the creation of sustainable products.
People (Code of Conduct)
Necono AG perceives itself as a team-oriented company. Listening, understanding and communicating are integral to team spirit. The team consists of customers, employees (also management) and shareholders. Each person who comes into contact with Necono AG will be respected as an individual. People will naturally have weaknesses that can be converted into strengths in the team. Everyone involved with the company will do what they can to achieve this goal and will accept their own perceptions and those expressed by others. We love freedom, not centralized power, which is why we strive to achieve open, spontaneous communication that fosters trust. We appreciate our work, and recognize and are aware of its economic and material value
Product and organization
Development and production: products by the firm Necono AG are developed according to ecological criteria.
Raw materials: when possible, we always use renewable resources and construction materials. Our humidifiers contain wood and wood cellulose. Our products should function with the lowest possible resource consumption. To do this, we exploit physical laws, including capillary effects, gravity and leverage instead of hydraulics etc. Our production systems are designed to ensure maximum efficiency. For example, heat used in the melting process should be restricted to the melt itself and must not be emitted unchecked into the environment.
Code of Conduct
The individuals and flow of goods should be managed in such a way as to ensure that distances are kept as short as possible. Digital channels – telephones, emails, Skype etc. – must be used before anyone gets into a car to travel to a meeting. To preserve our forests, data should be transported and stored in a digital form and should not be kept in hard copy.
Devices must be switched off when not in use; they include lighting, heating, water, computers and printers etc. We use raw materials carefully, and leftovers are repurposed or recycled. Products are manufactured close to the consumers. Economic efficiency must be guaranteed in production.
Correct value for money must be clearly identifiable in the local manufacture of our products close to the consumers (fair trade expertise, as well as the acquisition of material and social skills).
Necono AG 06/19/2015: The Management